How are
you guys? I'm great :D I've had a great time with great company the last couple
of days, and of course I did a little shopping too!
I went out to visit one of my closest girlfriends, known her forever. We went
around town a little, looked at a couple of shops, and found this amazing deal:
They were 70 % off ,I really couldn't resist especially when I don't
have any boots that color at all. We both bought a pair. So now I'm 100% fall
ready - Um, except I still need a jacket haha!
After that we went to a little sushi restaurant and got some amazing
sushi, yum, could eat some right now! But we had a cozy evening, it's so nice to
catch up and just have some girl time.
Friday my BF came, so I was busy all weekend
spending time with him
I really hope you all had an amazing weekend, don't let Monday get
you ;)
Thanks :)